Teaching Assistant

3 September 2024
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Job Description

Teaching Assistant – Qatar University


Full job description

BasicFunction and Responsibility:

  • Provide one-to-one tutoring andsmall-group activitiesonline and/or in person.
  • Oversee and encourage the use ofthe university’slearning resources including printed, audio-visual, andcomputer-basedequipment, and other learning support methods and materials asthey aredeveloped.

CharacteristicDuties and Responsibilities:


  • Prepare paper and online supportmaterial to beused in support and review sessions.


  • Assist at risk students byinforming them oftheir status, monitoring their attendance, and developingtheir language acquisitionskills.
  • Market Success Zone services toenhance theperformance of students registered in all foundation courses.
  • Chart learners’ second languageacquisition intheir English classes to their major coursework whether they arein an Arabicor English stream major by formulating an independent languagelearning plan.
  • Enhance student success throughincreasingmotivation and developing their confidence and soft skills.
  • Coach learners in specific areasof need insecond language acquisition, for example, self- monitoring,memorizing newvocabulary, and/or seeking out conversational practiceactivities.
  • Provide access to physical andonline resourcesthat learners can use to develop their second language learningstrategies.
  • Update SharePoint and Blackboardon a regularbasis to reflect the services and student visits.
  • Provide workshops online andin-class on soft skillsand language acquisition skills.
  • Participate in organizing andplanningextra-curricular student initiatives and events that enhance studentsuccessand the acquisition of English skills.
  • Provide online and in-classinstruction whenneeded.


  • Communicate with learners abouttheir individualstatus ad progress in second language acquisition so thatlearners can see theprogress they are making over time.
  • Liaise with the FoundationProgram StudentAffairs Section, Student Learning Support Center, StudentPlacement andProgress committee, and Special Needs Support Center.
  • Counsel students who strugglewith their Englishlanguage classes in terms of motivation, participation,and/or expectations.


  • Report on the attendanceandperformance of students bi-weekly, monthly or by end of the semester basedonthe data required.
  • Evaluatethe efficiency ofacademic support services through student participation,surveys and focusgroups, etc.



  • Master's degree inTESOL, Applied Linguistics or ELT from a reputably accrediteduniversity/program (Distance and Blended degrees are not accepted. On-campusdegrees are required.)
  • Experience in tutoring at the high school or tertiary level,student support, testing and assessment, instructional technology, andcurriculum and materials development.
  • Ability to adapt to and participate in different culturesand learning environments.
  • Ability to contribute to an innovative and challengingacademic instructional program is an asset.
  • Ability to work independently, and/or in a group settingboth online and on campus.
  • Proficient in Information Communication Technology.
  • Holding professional teacher certification ispreferable (e.g. CELTA, DELTA, Trinity College, etc…)

Required Documents

Non Academic:
  • Curriculum Vitae with cover letter.
  • Experience Certificates.
  • At least three references including contact numbers and email addresses.
  • Highest Academic Qualification.


  • Current Curriculum Vitae with Cover letter.
  • Teaching,research, and service philosophy.
  • Three referees’ contact information (physical and email addresses as well their telephones contact).
  • Copy of highest earned credential (transcript of highest degree if graduated from an institution where course work was completed. However, if no course work was completed,an copy of certificate letter from the registrar of your highest credential granting institution regarding your highest academic degree).
  • Any additional documentation that you feel is relevant to your application.


Non Academic:
  • Competitive tax-free salary.
  • Housing allowance in accordance with HRM Law.
  • Annual air tickets for candidate and dependents according to QUHR policies.
  • Public health care and health insurance to candidate and family members according to QU HR policies.
  • Annual leave in accordance with HRM Law.
  • End-of-contract indemnity.


  • A three-year renewable contract.
  • Salary is commensurate with experience.
  • Tax-free salary.
  • Furnished accommodation in accordance with QU HR policies.
  • Annual air tickets for faculty member and dependents in accordance with QU HR policies.
  • Educational allowance for candidate's children (eligible candidates only) in accordance with QU HR policies.
  • Private health care and health insurance in accordance with QU HR policies.
  • Annual leave in accordance with QU HR policies.
  • End-of-contract indemnity.

How To Apply New Applicant: You need to setup an account with QU Recruitment Online website (https://careers.qu.edu.qa) and complete your personal profile. Once your profile is complete you may use it to apply for an open Position.